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En börs eller byxa är en utbyte där börsmäklare och handlare kan köpa eller sälja aktier också Kallade aktier, obligationer och andra värdepapper De mer välbärgade tenderar att bo i hus med hög säkerhetsnivå enligt västerländska normer , Medan de mindre välbärgade bor i mindre önskvärda bostadsförhållanden. Det finns många saker som är unika för Johannesburg. 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Källor och metoder för OECD: s ekonomiska utsikter OECD Economic Outlook ger en tvåårig utvärdering av ekonomiska trender, prospekter och policyer i OECD Länder Källorna och metoderna är ett regelbundet uppdaterat dokument för att återspegla de datakällor och metoder som används. Nuvarande nummer. I mer detalj. OECD Economic Outlook pub OECD analyserar de viktigaste trenderna och granskar OECD: s medlemslands ekonomiska politik. Innehåller många statistiska data. Ekonomisk rapport från presidenten som årligen offentliggörs av ordföranden för rådet för ekonomiska rådgivare övervinner den amerikanska ekonomiska utvecklingen med hjälp av text Och omfattande datatillägg. Academic Papers. Johannes Wiegand Bankåtervinning av Petro Dollars till Emerging Market Economies Under den nuvarande Oil Price Boom International Monetary Fund, forskningsavdelning, juli 2008.Höga oljepriser har återigen lett till stora externa överskott i oljeexporterande länder Liknar 1970-talet och 80-talet I det här dokumentet analyseras i vilken utsträckning jag använder oljeinvesteringar för att investera i dessa överskott, och ii banker utlåning på dessa medel till tillväxtmarknadsekonomier. Återvinning av petro dollar till tillväxtmarknadsekonomier visar sig vara Nästan lika viktigt som på 1970-talet och 1980-talet, trots att den amerikanska dollarbanken under den nuvarande boomen flyter te Nd att härröra från länder som Ryssland, Libyen eller Nigeria i stället för i Mellanöstern Som en följd kan en nedgång i oljepriset återigen störa finansieringsflöden till nya ekonomier. Speciellt i riskzonen kan länder som är starka beroende av banklån för att finansiera Externa underskott, många av dem i Emerging Europe. En länk till detta papper på Internationella valutafondens hemsida. Federlig S Mishkin Kommer Penningpolitiken Bli Mera En Sceince Finans och Ekonomisk Diskussions Serie FEDS Paper 2007-44 Federal Reserve Board, 2007.Denne rapporten granskar de framsteg som penningpolitikens vetenskap har gjort under de senaste decennierna. Denna utveckling har väsentligt utökat graden av penningpolitiken som speglar tillämpningen av en grundläggande uppsättning vetenskapliga principer. Det finns emellertid fortfarande Förbli konstelement i genomförandet av penningpolitiken. En länk till detta papper på Federal Reserve Board s site. Academic Papers. Gilles O Zumbach, Ulric H AM Ller Operatörer på Inhomogen Time Series Olsen Associates Working Paper nr 324 1 februari 2000. Vi presenterar en verktygslåda för att beräkna och extrahera information från inhomogena, ojämnt åtskilda tidsserier. Verktygslådan innehåller en stor uppsättning operatörer, kartläggning från det inhomogene Tidsserier till sig själv Dessa operatörer är beräkningsmässigt effektiva tid och minne och lämpar sig för stokastiska processer. Detta gör dem attraktiva för att behandla högfrekventa data inom ekonomi och andra områden. Med hjälp av en grundläggande uppsättning operatörer bygger vi lättare kraftfulla kombinerade operatörer som täcker En bred uppsättning typiska applikationer Operatörerna är klassificerade i makroskopiska operatörer som har ett gränsvärde när samplingsfrekvensen går till oändliga och mikroskopiska operatörer som starkt är beroende av själva provtagningen. För inhomogen data är makroskopiska operatörer mer robusta och viktigare. Exempel på makroskopiska Operatörer är exponentiella glidande medelvärden, differenti Als, derivat, flyktiga volatiliteter etc. Berwin A Turlach Bandwidth Selection i Kärnel Density Estimation En Review. Foreign Exchange. Current och Historical Research. DailyFX bryta forex nyheter, realtids marknadsanalys, handelsstrategier plus en global ekonomisk kalender. En informationswebbplats på valutamarknaden Den innehåller Forexanalys, särskilt nuvarande tekniska nyheter, senaste nyheter, en ekonomisk kalender och handelsverktyg. Uppföljningar och rapporter. Treåriga centralbankundersökningen av utländsk valuta och derivat Marknadsaktivitet Vart tredje år, Bank of International Uppgörelser BIS samordnar en global centralbankundersökning av valutamarknads - och derivatmarknadsverksamhet på Marknadsutskottets vägnar och Kommittén för det globala finanssystemet. Undersökningen tjänar till att tillhandahålla omfattande och internationellt konsekvent information om omsättning och antal utestående kontrakt på dessa marknader. Övning tjänar också som riktmärke för den halvårsvisa OTC-derivatmarknadsstatistiken, som är begränsad till banker och återförsäljare i de viktigaste finansiella centerna. En länk till den senaste undersökningen. Den fullständiga rapporten om treåriga centralbankundersökningen publicerad av BIS i December 2007. 78: e årsredovisningen för banken för Internat Förlikningar för räkenskapsåret som inleddes den 1 april 2007 och slutade den 31 mars 2008 lämnades till bankens årsstämma i Basel den 30 juni 2008 Del V inriktas på valutamarknaden. Sammanfattning av del V. Utbyte Volatiliteten ökade kraftigt under senare hälften av 2007 och har varit i förhöjda nivåer, eftersom detta var förknippat med en snabbare minskning av dollarn samt en väsentlig uppskattning av euron, yenen och schweiziska francen. Attraktiva och förväntade tillväxtdifferenser blev mer en fokusering för marknadssentimentet än rådande räntenivåer. Även om valutapolitiken fortsatte att forma beteendet hos vissa tillväxtmarknadsvalutor, utgjorde utvecklingen av råvarupriser och specifika trender i kapitalflöden ett stort inflytande På växelkurs Trots vissa betydande växelkursrörelser och spänningar i vissa valutaswappar och cros S-valutaswappmarknader fortsatte marknaderna för valutamarknader i allmänhet att fungera smidigt under perioden med högre volatilitet. I ett längre perspektiv har det förekommit ett antal noterbara utvecklingar som potentiellt kan påverka valutamarknadernas motståndskraft. Dessa Omfatta högre omsättning, större mångfald i valutamarknadsaktivitet och förbättringar i riskhanteringsinfrastrukturen. Medan det generellt är positivt är det möjligt att de fulla konsekvenserna av denna utveckling för marknadsdynamik i stressfaktorer ännu inte har blivit tydliga. Det är därför viktigt att För att upprätthålla drivkraften för bättre riskhanteringspraxis på utländska valutamarknader som går framåt. Avkastning, volatilitet och korrelation. Föreläsningsanteckningar. Emanuel Derman Introduktion Implicerad volatilitet Leende E4718 Industriell ingenjörsvetenskap och operationsforskning Columbia University Enligt klassisk teori antydde Black-Scholes volatiliteten Av ett alternativ bör vara Oberoende av dess strejk och utgångsdatum Plottad som en yta, mot strejk och utgång, bör den vara platt före börsens krasch i oktober 1987 var volatilitetsytan av indexalternativet faktiskt ganska platt. Sedan kraschen var indexets volatilitetsyta Har blivit skevad Hänvisas till som volatilitetsleendet förändras ytan över tiden. Den är på samma gång en varierande funktion av strejk och utgång. Smörfenomenet har spridit sig till aktieoptioner, ränteoptioner, valutaalternativ och nästan alla andra volatiliteter Marknaden Eftersom Black-Scholes-modellen inte kan ta hänsyn till leendet har handelsdisken börjat använda mer komplexa modeller för att värdera och säkra deras alternativ. Efter 15 år finns det fortfarande ingen överväldigande konsensus om rätt modell. Varje marknad har sin egen favorit eller Två Trots initial optimism om att hitta modellen som ersätter Black-Scholes, är vi fortfarande på många sätt söka i mörkret. Föredrag 1 Introduktion till leendet The Principer för värdering. Föreläsning 2 Dynamisk replikation Verklighet och myter av alternativprissättning. Föreläsning 3 Transaktionskostnader Smilebegränsningar och problem. Lektion 4 Mer om Smile Arbitrage Bounds, Värderingsproblem, Modeller. Förteckning 5 Statisk Hedging och Implicit Distributions. Lecture 6 Extending Black-Scholes Lokala Volatilitetsmodeller. Föreläsning 7 Lokal Volatilitet Fortsatt. Föreläsning 8 Lokala Volatilitetsmodeller Implikationer. Föreläsning 9 Mönster av Volatilitetsförändring. Föreläsning 10 Stokastiska Volatilitetsmodeller. Föreläsning 11 Stokastiska Volatilitetsmodeller Fortsatt. Klaudio Albanian Stochastic Volatility Models and Hybrid Derivatives Department of Matematik Imperial College London. Part IA Stokastisk volatilitet Termisk strukturmodell Del II Kreditbarriärmodeller med funktionella gitterar Del III Uppskattningar under P och under Q Del IV Prissättning av hybrider för kredit-equity Del V Kreditkorrelationsmodellering och syntetiska CDOs Del VI Prissättning krediträntesats Hybrids. Press Articles. Academic Papers. For copyrig Ht skäl, jag har begränsad tillgång till några av dessa papper. Sorry. Kenneth J Arrow, Gerard Debreu Förekomst av en jämvikt för en konkurrenskraftig ekonomi Econometrica Vol 22, nr 3 jul 1954, sid 265-290.A Wald har presenterat en modell för produktion Och en modell för utbyte och bevis på existensen av en jämvikt för var och en av dem. Här finns bevis på existensen av en jämvikt för en integrerad modell för produktion, utbyte och konsumtion. Dessutom antogs det för tillverkarnas teknik och smakerna Av konsumenterna är betydligt svagare än Wald s Slutligen har en förenkling av bevisens struktur möjliggjorts genom att använda begreppet en abstrakt ekonomi, en generalisering av ett spel. I detta dokument introducerar Arrow och Debreu också begreppet Ett statspris. Benoit Mandelbrot Variationen av vissa spekulativa priser Journal of Business Vol 36, nr 4 okt 1963, sid 394 419.Mandelbrot s papper om rörelsen av aktiekurserna. Eugene F Fama Efficient Capital Markets En översyn av teori och empiriskt arbete Journal of Finance Vol 25, nr 2, Legitimationen och förhandlingarna i det tjugoåtta årliga mötet i American Finance Association New York, NY, december 28-30, 1969 maj, 1970, s. 383-417.Fama s papper om teorin om effektiva marknader. Fisher Sheffey Black, Myron Scholes Prissättningen av Options och Corporate Liabilities Journal of Political Economy 81 maj juni 1973 637-59. Om alternativen är rätt prissatta på marknaden , it should not be possible to make sure profits by creating portfolios of long and short positions in options and their underlying stocks Using this principle, a theoretical valuation formula for options is derived Since almost all corporate liabilities can be viewed as combinations of options, the formula and the analysis that led to it are also applicable to corporate liabilities such as common stock, corporate bonds, and warrants In particular, the formula can be used to derive the discount that sh ould be applied to a corporate bond because of the possibility of default. This is the celebrated Black-Scholes paper on option pricing. Robert C Merton Theory of Rational Option Pricing The Bell Journal of Economics and Management Science Vol 4, No 1 Spring, 1973 , pp 141-183.The long history of the theory of option pricing began in 1900 when the French mathematician Louis Bachelier deduced an option pricing formula based on the assumption that stock prices follow a Brownian motion with zero drift Since that time, numerous researchers have contributed to the theory The present paper begins by deducing a set of restrictions on option pricing formulas from the assumption that investors prefer more to less These restrictions are necessary conditions for a formula to be consistent with a rational pricing theory Attention is given to the problems created when dividends are paid on the underlying common stock and when the terms of the option contract can be changed explicitly by a change in e xercise price or implicitly by a shift in the investment or capital structure policy of the jrm Since the deduced restrictions are not sufficient to uniquely determine an option pricing formula, additional assumptions are introduced to examine and extend the seminal Black-Scholes theory of option pricing Explicit formulas for pricing both call and put options as well as for warrants and the new down-and-out option are derived The effects of dividends and call provisions on the warrant price are examined The possibilities for further extension of the theory to the pricing of corporate liabilities are discussed. In this paper Merton examines and extends the work by Black and Scholes. Robert C Merton Option Pricing when Underlying Stock Returns Are Discontinuous Journal of Financial Economics 3 January-February 1976 , pp 125 144.The validity of the classic Black-Scholes option pricing formula depends on the capability of investors to follow a dynamic portfolio strategy in the stock that rep licates the payoff structure to the option The critical assumption required for such a strategy to be feasible, is that the underlying stock return dynamics can be described by a stochastic process with a continuous sample path In this paper, an option pricing formula is derived for the more general case when the underlying stock returns are generated by a mixture of both continuous and jump processes The derived formula has most of the attractive features of the original Black-Scholes formula in that it does not depend on investor preferences or knowledge of the expected return on the underlying stock Moreover, the same analysis applied to the options can be extended to the pricing of corporate liabilities. This paper introduces a jump-diffusion model In this model asset prices can undergo random jumps of a substantial fraction of their value. Oldrich Vasicek An Equilibrium Characterization of the Term Structure Journal of Financial Economics 5 1977 pp 177-188.The paper derives a genera l form of the term structure of interest rates The following assumptions are made A 1 The instantaneous spot interest rate follows a diffusion process A 2 the price of a discount bond depends only on the spot rate over its term and A 3 the market is efficient Under these assumptions, it is shown by means of an arbitrage argument that the expected rate of return on any bond in excess of the spot rate is proportional to its standard deviation This property is then used to derive a partial differential equation for bond prices The solution to that equation is given in the form of a stochastic integral representation An interpretation of the bond pricing formula is provided The model is illustrated on a specific case. John C Cox, Stephen A Ross, Mark Rubinstein Option Pricing A Simplified Approach Journal of Financial Economics 1979 A link to this paper on. This paper presents a simple discrete-time model for valuing options The fundamental economic principles of option pricing by arbitrage methods are particularly clear in this setting Its development requires only elementary mathematics, yet it contains as a special limiting case the celebrated Black-Scholes model, which has previously been derived only by much more difficult methods The basic model readily lends itself to generalisation in many ways Moreover, by its very construction, it gives rise to a simple and efficient numerical procedure for valuing options for which premature exercise may be optimal. This paper introduces the idea of pricing on a binary tree. John C Cox, Jonathan E Ingersoll, Jr Stephen A Ross A Theory of the Term Structure of Interest Rates Econometrica Vol 53, No 2 March, 1985.This paper uses an intertemporal general equilibrium asset pricing model to study the term structure of interest rates In this model, anticipations, risk aversion, investment alternatives, and preferences about the timing of consumption all play a role in determining bond prices Many of the factors traditionally mentioned as influencing the term structure are thus included in a way which is fully consistent with maximizing behavior and rational expectations The model leads to specific formulas for bond prices which are well suited for empirical testing. David Heath, Robert Jarrow, Andrew Morton Bond Pricing and the Term Structure of Interest Rates A New Methodology for Contingent Claims Valuation Econometrica Vol 60, No 1 January, 1992 , pp 77 105.This paper presents a unifying theory for valuing contingent claims under a stochastic term structure of interest rates The methodology, based on the equivalent martingale measure technique, takes as given an initial forward rate curve and a family of potential stochastic processes for its subsequent movements A no arbitrage condition restricts this family of processes yielding valuation formulae for interest rate sensitive contingent claims which do not explicitly depend on the market prices of risk Examples are provided to illustrate the key results. Steven L Heston A Closed-Form Solution for Options with Stochastic Volatility with Applications to Bond and Currency Options The Review of Financial Studies Vol 6, No 2, 1993 , pp 327-343.I use a new technique to derive a closed-form solution for the price of a European call option on an asset with stochastic volatility The model allows arbitrary correlation between volatility and spot-asset returns I introduce stochastic interest rates and show how to apply the model to bond options and foreign currency options Simulations show that correlation between volatility and the spot asset s price is important for explaining return skewness and strike-price biases in the Black-Scholes 1973 model The solution technique is based on characteristic functions and can be applied to other problems. This paper introduces the Heston model, the best-known and most popular of all stochastic volatility models. Michael J Stutzer A Simple Nonparametric Approach to Derivative Security Valuation Journal of Finance Volu me 51, Issue 5 Dec 1996 , 1633-1652.Canonical valuation uses historical time series to predict the probability distribution of the discounted value of primary assets discounted prices plus accumulated dividends at any future date Then the axiomatically-rationalized maximum entropy principle is used to estimate risk-neutral equivalent martingale probabilities that correctly price the primary assets, as well as any predesignated subset of derivative securities whose payoffs occur at this date Valuation of other derivative securities proceeds by calculation of its discounted, risk-neutral expected value Both simulation and empirical evidence suggest that canonical valuation has merit. Emanuel Derman Strike-Adjusted Spread A New Metric for Estimating the Value of Equity Options Goldman Sachs, July 1999.Investors in equity options experience two problems that compound each other In contrast to fixed-income and currency markets, there are thousands of underlyers and tens of thousands of optio ns, and each underlyer can have a potentially large volatility skew How can an options investor gauge which option provides the best relative value In this paper, we make use of a method for estimating the fair volatility smile of any equity underlyer from information embedded in the time series of that underlyer s historical returns We can then compute the relative richness or cheapness of any particular strike and expiration by examining the option s Strike-Adjusted Spread, or SAS, the difference between its market implied volatility and its estimated historically-fair volatility We obtain fair volatility smiles by estimating the appropriate risk-neutral distribution for valuing options on any equity underlyer from that underlyer s historical returns The distribution includes the effect of both past price jumps and past shifts in realized volatility Using this distribution, we can estimate the fair volatility skews for illiquid or thinly-traded single-stock and basket options We can also forecast changes in the skew from changes in a single options price. A link to this paper on Emanuel Derman s site. Patrick S Hagan, Deep Kumar, Andrew S Lesniewski, Diana E Woodward Managing Smile Risk WILMOTT Magazine September 2002, pp 84-108.Market smiles and skews are usually managed by using local volatility models a la Dupire We discover that the dynamics of the market smile predicted by local vol models is opposite of observed market behavior when the price of the underlying decreases, local vol models predict that the smile shifts to higher prices when the price increases, these models predict that the smile shifts to lower prices Due to this contradiction between model and market, delta and vega hedges derived from the model can be unstable and may perform worse than naive Black-Scholes hedges To eliminate this problem, we derive the SABR model, a stochastic volatility model in which the forward value satisfies and the forward and volatility are correlated d W 1 d W 2 d t We use singular perturbation techniques to obtain the prices of European options under the SABR model, and from these prices we obtain explicit, closed-form algebraic formulas for the implied volatility as functions of today s forward price and the strike K These formulas immediately yield the market price, the market risks, including vanna and volga risks, and show that the SABR model captures the correct dynamics of the smile We apply the SABR model to USD interest rate options, and find good agreement between the theoretical and observed smiles. This paper introduces the famous SABR model Volatility does not mean revert in the SABR model, so it is only good for short expirations Nevertheless the model has the virtue of having an exact expression for the implied volatility smile in the short expiration limit. Emanuel Derman The Illusions of Dynamic Replication Quantitative Finance Vol 5, No 4, August 2005, 323 326.How well does options pricing theory really work, and how dependent is i t on the notion of dynamic replication In this note we describe what many practitioners know from long and practical experience i dynamic replication doesn t work as well as students are taught to believe ii most derivatives traders rely on it as little as possible and iii there is a much simpler way to derive many option pricing formulas many of the results of dynamic option replication can be obtained more simply, by regarding as many practitioners do an options valuation model as an interpolating formula for a hybrid security that correctly matches the boundary values of the ingredient securities that constitute the hybrid. A link to this paper on Emanuel Derman s site. Bruno Dupire Fair Skew Break-Even Volatility Surface Bloomberg L P September 2006.We show how to analyze a price time series to obtain instead of a single historical volatility a whole surface of estimates, to be applied to options of various strikes and maturities It provides answers to questions such as 1 Where shoul d risk reversal and butterflies on major currency pairs trade 2 How to efficiently implement an implied historical volatility arbitrage 3 Are the strong index equity skews justified 4 What should be the pattern of implied volatilities for options on illiquid currency pairs 5 Same question for swaptions, options on commodities spreads, on baskets We investigate several methods that attempt to answer these questions by merely exploiting the structure of the price time series and propose an approach based on the back testing of delta hedge strategies. Emanuel Derman Regimes of Volatility Some Observations on the Variation of S P 500 Implied Volatilities Goldman Sachs, January 1999.Since the 1987 stock market crash, the S P 500 index options market has displayed a persistent implied volatility skew How should the skew vary as markets move There are a variety of apocryphal rules and theoretical models, each leading to different predictions In this report I examine more than a year s worth of S P 500 implied volatilities, qualitatively isolating several distinct periods in which different patterns of change seem to hold For each period, I try to determine which rule or model the volatility market seems to be following, the possible reason why, and whether the change in volatility is appropriate. A link to this paper on Emanuel Derman s site. Nicolas Mougeot Volatility Investing Handbook BNP Paribas, September 2005.The goal of this paper is to introduce investors to sophisticated derivative instruments that allow them to take views on volatility Despite the fact that volatility-sensitive derivatives have been traded for years if not centuries, it is only recently that products giving pure exposure to volatility have appeared The paper covers volatility swaps, variance swaps, third-generation volatility products and correlation trading. Emanuel Derman More Than You Ever Wanted To Know About Volatility Swaps Goldman Sachs, March 1999.Volatility swaps are forward contracts on fut ure realised stock volatility Variance swaps are similar contracts on variance, the square of future volatility Both of these instruments provide an easy way for investors to gain exposure to the future level of volatility Unlike a stock option, whose volatility exposure is contaminated by its stock-price dependence, these swaps provide pure exposure to volatility alone You can use these instruments to speculate on future volatility levels, to trade the spread between realised and implied volatility, or to hedge the volatility exposure of other positions or businesses In this report we explain the properties and the theory of both variance and volatility swaps, first from an intuitive point and then more rigorously The theory of variance swaps is more straightforward We show how a variance swap can be theoretically replicated by a hedged portfolio of standard options with suitably chosen strikes, as long as stock prices evolve without jumps The fair value of the variance swap is the co st of the replicating portfolio We derive analytic formulae for theoretical fair value in the presence of realistic volatility skews These formulae can be used to estimate swap values quickly as the skew changes We then examine the modifications to these theoretical results when reality intrudes, for example when some necessary strikes are unavailable, or when stock prices undergo jumps Finally we briefly return to volatility swaps, and show that they can be replicated by dynamically trading the more straightforward variance swap As a result, the value of the volatility swap depends on the volatility of volatility itself. A link to this paper on Emanuel Derman s site. Emanuel Derman A Guide to Volatility and Variance Swaps The Journal of Derivatives Summer 1999.Volatility swaps are forward contracts on future realised stock volatility Variance swaps are similar contracts on variance, the square of future volatility Both these instruments provide an easy way for investors to gain exposure to the future level of volatility Ulike a stock option, whose volatility exposure is contaminated by its stock price dependence, these swaps provide pure exposure to volatility alone You can use these instruments to speculate on future volatility levels, to trade the spread between realised and implied volatility, or to hedge the volatility exposure of other positions or businesses In this report we explain the properties and the theory of both variance and volatility swaps, first from an intuitive point of view and then more rigorously The theory of variance swaps is the more straightforward We show how a variance swap can be theoretically replicated by a hedged portfolio of standard options with suitably chosen strikes, as long as stock prices evolve without jumps The fair value of the variance swap is the cost of the replicating portfolio We derive an analytic formula for theoretical fair value in the presence of realistic volatility skews This formula can be used to estimate swap values quickly as the skew changes We then examine modifications to these theoretical results when reality intrudes, such as when some necessary strikes are unavailable, or when stock prices undergo jumps Finally, we point out that volatility swaps can be replicated by dynamically trading the more straightforward variance swap As a result, the value of the volatility swap depends on the volatility of volatility itself. Rama Cont, Jos da Fonseca, Valdo Durrleman Stochastic Models of Implied Volatility Surfaces Economic Notes by Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena SpA Vol 31, no 2-2002, pp 361-377.We propose a market-based approach to the modelling of implied volatility, in which the implied volatility surface is directly used as the state variable to describe the joint evolution of market prices of options and their underlying asset We model the evolution of an implied volatility surface by representing it as a randomly fluctuating surface driven by a finite number of orthogonal random facto rs Our approach is based on a Karhunen-Lo ve decomposition of the daily variations of implied volatilities obtained from market data on S P500 and DAX options We illustrate how this approach extends and improves the accuracy of the well-known sticky moneyness rule used by option traders for updating implied volatilities Our approach gives a justification for the use of Vegas for measuring volatility risk and provides a decomposition of volatility risk as a sum of independent contributions from empirically identifiable factors. Valdo Durrleman, Nicole El Karoui Coupling Smiles March 20, 2007 Available at SSRN. The present paper addresses the problem of computing implied volatilities of options written on a domestic asset based on implied volatilities of options on the same asset expressed in a foreign currency and the exchange rate It proposes an original method together with explicit formulas to compute the at-the-money implied volatility, the smile s skew, convexity, and term structure for short maturities The method is completely free of any model specification or Markov assumption it only assumes that jumps are not present We also investigate how the method performs on the particular example of the currency triplet dollar, euro, yen We find a very satisfactory agreement between our formulas and the market at one week and one month maturities. Uwe Schmock, Steven E Shreve, Uwe Wystup Dealing with Dangerous Digitals October 25, 2001 Foreign Exchange Risk Risk Publications, London. Options with discontinuous payoffs are generally traded above their theoretical Black-Scholes prices because of the hedging difficulties created by their large delta and gamma values A theoretical method for pricing these options is to contstrain the hedging portfolio and incorporate this constraint into the pricing by computing the smallest initial capital which permits super-replication of the option We develop this idea for exotic options, in which case the pricing problem becomes one of s tochastic control The high cost of exact super-replication coincides with market price quotations for dangerous derivatives such as reverse knock-out barrier options, which are often higher than their risk-neutral expected payoff theoretical value This paper illustrates how the theory of leverage constrained pricing can be successfully applied to compute close-to-market option values and serves as a practitioner s guide to derive explicit formulae and compute prices by finite difference methods. A link to this paper on Uwe Schmock s site. Peter G Harrison Sloppy Derivations of Ito s Formula and the Fokker-Planck Equations Unpublished. These steps get you Ito s formula and the Fokker-Planck forward and backward partial differential equations from the stochastic differential equation d X t X t , t d t X t , t d W t where W t is a Wiener process, using simple, intuitive steps The derivations are not to be considered as rigorous but hopefully they give the gist. Yong Ren, Dilip Madan, Michael Qian Qian Calibrating and Pricing with Embedded Local Volatility Models Risk Magazine 1 September, 2007.Consistently fitting vanilla option surfaces when pricing volatility derivatives such as Vix options or interest rate equity hybrids is an important issue Here, Yong Ren, Dilip Madan and Michael Qian Qian show how this can be accomplished, using a stochastic local volatility model as the main example They also give, for the first time, quanto corrections in local volatility models. Eric Weisstein s World of Mathematics The web s most extensive mathematical resource, provided as a free service to the world s mathematics and internet communities by Wolfram Research A comprehensive encyclopaedia of mathematics. VIDEO LECTURES Multivariable Calculus 18 02 Prof Denis Auroux, Dept of Mathematics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. This course covers vector and multi-variable calculus It is the second semester in the freshman calculus sequence Topics include vectors and matrices, partial d erivatives, double and triple integrals, and vector calculus in 2 and 3-space. Stochastic Calculus. Lawrence C Evans An Introduction to Stochastic Differential Equations Version 1 2 Lecture notes for postgraduates at the Department of Mathematics, UC Berkeley. These notes survey, without too many precise details, the basic theory of probability, random differential equations and some applications Stochastic differential equations are usually, and justly, regarded as a graduate level subject A really careful treatment assumes the students familiarity with probability theory, measure theory, ordinary differential equations, and partial differential equations as well But as an experiment I tried to design these lectures so that starting graduate students and maybe really strong undergraduates can follow most of the theory, at the cost of some omission of detail and precision I for instance downplayed most measure theoretic issues, but did emphasize the intuitive idea of - algebras as containi ng information Similarly, I prove many formulas by confirming them in easy cases for simple random variables or for step functions , and then just stating that by extension these rules hold in general I also did not reproduce in class some of the more complicated proofs provided in these notes, although I did try to explain the guiding ideas. Numerical Analysis. Numerical Recipes online The older versions of the excellent Numerical Recipes books are available online as PDF documents, free of charge See my reading list. If you program in C, use this direct link. Angus MacKinnon Computational Physics Lecture notes for the 3rd 4th year option for physics undergraduates at Imperial College London. The use of computers in physics, as well as most other branches of science and engineering, has increased many times along with the rapid development of faster and cheaper hardware This course aims to give the student a thorough grounding in the main computational techniques used in modern physics It is particularly important in this course that the students should learn by doing The course is therefore designed such that a significant fraction of the students time is spent actually programming specific physical problems rather than learning abstract techniques The course will cover problems in 5 broad sections 1 ordinary differential equations, such as those of classical mechanics 2 partial differential equations, such as Maxwell s equations and the Diffusion and Schr dinger equations 3 matrix methods, such as systems of equations and eigenvalue problems applied to Poisson s equation and electronic structure calculations 4 Monte Carlo and other simulation methods, such as the Metropolis algorithm and molecular dynamics 5 computer algebra an introduction using Maple to the uses and abuses of algebraic computing in physics. A link to this course on Angus MacKinnon s academic website. Linear Programming and Optimisation. A really user-friendly tutorial on the Simplex Method by Stefan Wa ner and Steven R Costenoble can be found here It is part of their Finite Mathematics and Applied Calculus Resource Page. Stochastic Calculus and Stochastic Differential Equations. Statistics Online Computational Resource SOCR is a suite of online tools and interactive aids for hands-on learning and teaching concepts in statistical analyses and probability theory This free Java-based resource offers interactive distribution applets, statistical analysis modules, data modeler, graphics tools and more. Time Series Analysis. Time Series MS8 Course Page maintained by Prof Andrew Walden of Imperial College provides lecture notes, question and answer sheets for the course In my undergraduate days this course was taught by Dr Emma McCoy Thanks to her for providing the link. LaTeX a document preparation system LaTeX is a high-quality typesetting system it includes features designed for the production of technical and scientific documentation LaTeX is the de facto standard for the communication and p ublication of scientific documents. Google Code Search helps you find function definitions and sample code by giving you one place to search publicly accessible source code hosted on the Internet Extremely useful Supports regular expressions. Koders Source Code Search Engine an alternative to Google Code Search Koders were around before Google Code Search, but my subjective perception is that GCS provides a better quality service In each case I use both. Refactoring Home Page with information about refactoring and links to useful tools, by Martin Fowler. Software Engineering. Academic Papers. Many of the following ideas are learned unattributed They have become common wisdom in software engineering Yet it is instructive to read the original, highly insightful papers where these ideas are introduced for the first time They weren t always obvious. As the title suggests, Dijkstra is arguing against the GO TO statement and spaghetti code. Here Dijkstra introduces the principle of separation of con cerns although the paper considers the examples of the computer science and departmental politics rather than software engineering. David Lorge Parnas On the Criteria To Be Used in Decomposing Systems into Modules Communications of the ACM Vol 15, No 12, December 1972, pp 1053-1058.This paper discusses modularisation as a mechanism for improving the flexibility and comprehensibility of a system while allowing the shortening of its development time The effectiveness of a modularisation is dependent upon the criteria used in dividing the system into modules A system design problem is presented and both a conventional and unconventional decomposition are described It is shown that the unconventional decompositions have distinct advantages for the goals outlined The criteria used in arriving at the decomposition, if implemented with the conventional assumption that a module consists of one or more subroutines, will be less efficient in most cases An alternative approach to implementation wh ich does not have this effect is sketched. In brief, this paper introduces and, to an extent, formalises modularisation. S Meyers interview on The Future of C This is a preprint in English you can also read the article as printed in iX magazine in German September 2006.There is really no such thing as the C home page , unless you consider Bjarne Stroustrup s home page as such. C C Reference covers General C C , Standard C Library, C , C Standard Template Library This site is meant to be used by more-or-less experienced C programmers, who have a good idea of what they want to do and simply need to look up the syntax. GCC Online Documentation. libstdc Source Documentation generated by Doxygen. C Reference Guide on InformIT hosted by Danny Kalev. ISO IEC 14882 Programming Language C PDF , the working draft of the current standard This was first published in 1998 C 98 A major update of 2003 is known as C 2003.C 0x is the planned new standard for the C programming language, intending to replace th e existing C standard, ISO IEC 14882.A Brief Look at C 0x by Bjarne Stroustrup. Technical Report 1 TR1 PDF - a draft document specifying additions to the C Standard Library such as regular expressions, smart pointers, hash tables, and random number generators It is not yet standardised, but is likely to become part of the next official standard Boost implements much of TR1.The Wikipedia article. TR1 Information maintained by Scott Meyers. Technical Report 2 TR2 - will be published after C 0x. Call for proposals. Design Patterns. Jun Nakamura The Singleton Pattern Revisited Developer Shed. This article addresses a number of questions How to construct a Singleton when the class has a non-trivial constructor with arguments that are calculated at run-time How to use the Singleton in a multi-threaded environment If you are wondering about these issues, read this tutorial. Managed and Unmanaged Code in. Bit Twiddling Hacks by Sean Eron Anderson Stanford Computer Graphics Laboratory A large collection of low-level bit twiddling code snippets Although I do not generally approve of obscure, clever code, many of these are idioms As the authors of the Numerical Recipes point out, tricky is bad, idiomatic is good. The C const Declaration Why and How by Andrew Hardwick. Quick and Dirty Series C FileSize Function by Christopher Diggins CodeProject. The C standard library doesn t have a FileSize function and, in fact, there is no simple way to query the file size in a portable manner The reason is that the size of a file is only really accessible through the operating system This tutorial considers the options available to the programmer. Why sizet Matters by Dan Saks. Using sizet appropriately can improve the portability, efficiency, or readability of your code Maybe even all three. Defining Functions with a Variable Argument List by Danny Kalev DevX. Overloading operator for a User-Defined Type by Danny Kalev DevX. Usenet Newsgroups. Academic Papers. GotW 74 Uses and Abuses of Vector Almost everyb ody uses std vector and that s good Unfortunately, many people misunderstand some of its semantics and end up unwittingly using it in surprising and dangerous ways A discussion by Herb Sutter. Extending the C STL with Custom Containers TechRepublic The creators of C took immense care to create a library that was efficient, portable, and reusable The STL can be summed up into iterators, algorithms, and containers In this article, the author concentrates on analysing and extending the containers that STL provides. Custom Containers and Iterators for STL-friendly Code A Pair of Approaches for Creating Custom Containers by Ethan McCallum Dr Dobb s Portal Need to add functionality to containers to make classes more STL friendly, or create new containers and iterators from scratch to make legacy code available to STL algorithms Here s how. STL Compliant Container Example by doxys CodeProject. An STL Compliant Sorted Vector by Martin Holzherr CodeProject. sharedptr The sharedptr class template sto res a pointer to a dynamically allocated object, typically with a C new - expression The object pointed to is guaranteed to be deleted when the last sharedptr pointing to it is destroyed or reset See example. scopedptr The scopedptr class template stores a pointer to a dynamically allocated object The object pointed to is guaranteed to be deleted, either on destruction of the scopedptr or via an explicit reset The primary reason to use scopedptr rather than autoptr is to let readers of your code know that you intend resource acquisition is initialisation to be applied only for the current scope, and have no intent to transfer ownership One common usage of scopedptr is to implement a handle body also called pimpl idiom which avoids exposing the body implementation in the header file. Tuple A tuple or n - tuple is a fixed size collection of elements Pairs, triples, quadruples, etc are tuples In a programming language, a tuple is a data object containing other objects as elements These elemen t objects may be of different types The Boost Tuple Library implements a tuple construct using templates. Ref A small library that is useful for passing references to function templates algorithms that would usually take copies of their arguments. Reference Wrapper A relevant article in the C Reference Guide. Gregorian The Gregorian date system provides a date programming system based on the Gregorian calendar The class boost gregorian date is the primary temporal type for users It is immutable and is stored as a 32 bit integer type The class is specifically designed to NOT contain virtual functions This design allows for efficient calculation and memory usage with large collections of dates. Zip Iterator The zip iterator provides the ability to parallel-iterate over several controlled sequences simultaneously. BCCL The Boost Concept Check Library BCCL provides a mechanism for inserting compile-time checks of template parameters a framework for specifying concept requirements through concep t checking classes a mechanism for verifying that concept requirements cover the template a suite of concept checking classes and archetype classes that match the concept requirements in the C Standard Library. A comparison of the C logging libraries on the log4cpp wiki. log4cxx is a C port of log4j It attempts to mimic the log4j usage as much as the language will allow and to be compatible with log4j s configuration and output formats. log4cxx for Win32 with VS2005 by merc This blog entry explains how to build the latest snapshot of this project from SVN on a Win32 system with VS2005 Unfortunately, this exercise is non-trivial merc has very kindly created the VS2005 build files for log4cxx and compiled the project It is all available on the web Isn t he a wonderful person. XLW C wrapper of Excel C API The excel32 C wrapper package a k a XLW is a free open source C wrapper of the Excel C API It makes Excel programming simpler, speeding up the development of Excel add-ins Mark Joshi is amon g the users of this library. Code Conventions. We don t know if there is a formal, official code conventions document by Microsoft If you do, please let us know. This tutorial will not work if the built DLL is located on a network drive it must be on a local drive such as C Otherwise you will see an error message on building the project. So go to Project project name Properties select the Build tab, and set the Output path accordingly, e g C Build Debug for Debug, C Build Release for Release. Ten Must-Have Tools Every Developer Should Download Now by James Avery MSDN. NAnt a free build tool In theory it is kind of like make without make s wrinkles In practice it s a lot like Ant. User Manual. Task Reference. Type Reference. Function Reference. Filter Reference. Solution Build Environment This add-in uses a new file called residing in the same directory as the solution to provide build environment variables tailored to a given solution file stands for solution environment The Solution Build Enviro nment add-in executes this file at solution open time and before the start of each build, resetting the build s environment variables accordingly. Code Conventions. Code Examples. Example Depot A good collection of source code examples from The Java Developers Almanac and beyond Very useful. Jakarta Commons A collection of open source reusable Java components from the Apache Jakarta community. Lang API Provides a host of helper utilities for API, notably String manipulation methods, basic numerical methods, object reflection, creation and serialization, and System properties Additionally it contains an inheritable enum type, an exception structure that supports multiple types of nested Exception s, basic enhancements to and a series of utilities dedicated to help with building methods, such as hashCode toString and equals. EqualsBuilder HashCodeBuilder CompareToBuilder ToStringBuilder ObjectUtils NumberUtils DateUtils StringUtils RandomUtils StopWatch. Collections API Contains implementations , enhancements and utilities that complement the Java Collections Framework. Logging User Guide API An ultra-thin bridge between different logging implementations A library that uses the commons-logging API can be used with any logging implementation at runtime Commons-logging comes with support for a number of popular logging implementations, including log4j. CLI User Guide API The Apache Commons CLI Command Line Interface library provides an API for processing command line interfaces. Apache Logging Services log4j The Apache Logging Services Project creates and maintains Open Source software related to the logging of application behaviour and released at no charge to the public log4j is a de facto standard logging framework in Java. Castor API An Open Source data binding framework for Jama It s the shortest path between Java objects, XML documents and relational tables Castor provides Java-to-XML binding, Java-to-SQL persistence, and more. Online Books. A Byte of Python an online book on p rogramming using the Python language It serves as a tutorial or guide to the Python language for a beginner audience This resource is praised by many including Bruce Eckel. Dive Into Python by Mark Pilgrim, a book on Python for experienced programmers. Thinking in Python by Bruce Eckel, another advanced book This is still a work in progress, but you can download the current version. Data Structures and Algorithms with Object-Oriented Design Patterns in Python by Bruno R Preiss Also available online. Python Cookbook is an O Reilly book by David Ascher, Alex Martelli and Anna Ravenscroft Some of the recipes were contributed by the community and are available online. Python FAQTs an online knowledge base containing recipes and code snippets. Python Idioms Every computer language has idioms , that is, typical ways of accomplishing given tasks Python is no exception This material comes from the CS11 Computer Language Shop by Mike Vanier and Donnie Pinkston at CalTech. David Mertz writes a column o n Python topics for IBM developerWorks called Charming Python An archive of his publications is available here Here are some links to the tutorials I found most interesting. wxPython is a GUI toolkit for the Python programming language It allows Python programmers to create programs with a robust, highly functional graphical user interface, simply and easily It is implemented as a Python extension module native code that wraps the popular wxWidgets cross-platform GUI library, which is written in C. The wxPython Tutorial by Jan Bodnar is the largest and most advanced wxPython tutorial available on the Internet Suitable for beginners and intermediate programmers I found the Skeletons chapter particularly useful. Some other interesting tutorials. An Overridable Alternative to the property Function in Python This tutorial describes an alternative to Python s built-in property function which allows the user to override, in derived classes, the methods used by this function. Academic Papers. Vespe Savikko Design Patterns in Python Proceedings of the 6th International Python Conference San Jose, California, 1997.NumPy the fundamental package needed for scientific computing It includes a powerful N - dimensional array object, sophisticated broadcasting functions, basic linear algebra functions, Fourier transforms implementations, random number generators, and tools for integrating Fortran and C C code. SciPy scientific tools for Python An open-source library of scientific tools for Python It depends on the NumPy library and gathers a variety of high level science and engineering modules together as a single package SciPy provides modules for statistics, optimisation, numerical integration, linear algebra, Fourier transforms, signal processing, image processing, genetic algorithms, ODE solvers, special functions, and more. SciPy Array Tip Sheet by Chris Myers Centre for Advanced Computing at Cornell University. matplotlib a Python 2D plotting library which produces publication quality figures in a variety of hardcopy formats and interactive environments across platforms The plotting functions have a high degree of MATLAB compatibility. RPy a simple, yet robust, Python interface to the R Programming Language, R from Python This package will be of particular interest to statisticians since R historically remains one of the packages of choice for probability, statistics, and data processing work. MDP a Modular toolkit for Data Processing Implemented algorithms include Principal Component Analysis PCA , Independent Component Analysis ICA , Slow Feature Analysis SFA , Independent Slow Feature Analysis ISFA , Growing Neural Gas GNG , Factor Analysis, Fisher Discriminant Analysis FDA , Gaussian Classifiers, and Restricted Boltzmann Machines. SimPy Simulation in Python, an object-oriented, process-based discrete event simulation language based on standard Python. quantlib-python Python bindings for QuantLib, a free open-source library for quantitative finance. TA-Lib the techni cal analysis library also comes with Python bindings. Sybase module for Python provides a Python interface to the Sybase relational database system The Sybase package supports all of the Python Database API, version 2 0, with extensions. config a module for configuring Python programs which aims to offer more power and flexibility than the existing ConfigParser module. h5py mdash Python bindings for the HDF5 library. Open Source. Open Source Software in Python a collection of open source software projects in Python covering a wide range of categories Ajax frameworks, aspect-oriented frameworks, bloggers, build systems, content management systems, charting and reporting tools, code analysers, database connection pools and database engines, etc. Docutils Documentation Utilities mdash an open-source text processing system for processing plaintext documentation into useful formats, such as HTML or LaTeX In includes reStructuredText the easy to read, easy to use, what-you-see-is-what-you-get plai ntext markup language. A reStructuredText Primer. reStructruedText Markup Specification a detailed technical specification it is not a tutorial or a primer. Python docstrings are nowadays increasingly written in reStructuredText. Code Conventions. Richard Johnson MATLAB Programming Style Guidelines Datatool October, 2002.Some informal advice on writing MATLAB code, focussing on correctness, clarity and generality as opposed to efficiency The goal of these guidelines to to help produce code that is more likely to be correct, understandable, sharable and maintainable. A link to this article on Datatool s website. Academic Papers. Peter J Acklam MATLAB Array Manipulation Tips and Tricks October, 2003.This document is intended to be a compilation of tips and tricks mainly related to efficient ways of manipulating arrays in MATLAB Here, manipulating arrays includes replicating and rotating arrays or parts of arrays, inserting, extracting, replacing, permuting and shifting arrays or parts of arrays, generating combinations and permutations of elements, run-length encoding and decoding, arithmetic operations like multiplying and dividing arrays, calculating distance matrices and more A few other issues related to writing fast MATLAB code are also covered. A link to this paper on Peter J Acklam s home page. VBA and Excel. Which Language. Mathematica vs MATLAB vs Python Example No conclusion, side by side code comparison Application bioinformatics. Python vs Java A Side-by-Side Comparison A programmer can be significantly more productive in Python than in Java How much more productive The most widely accepted estimate is 5-10 times On the basis of my own personal experience with the two languages, I agree with this estimate. Batch Programming Elements a collection of batch language enhancers in batch language collected by Dirk van Deun. System Error Codes 0-499 on MSDN You can also obtain the corredponding descriptions by running net helpmsg errorcode. Document Preparation. LaTeX is a high-q uality typesetting system it includes features designed for the production of technical and scientific documentation Failed to parse unknown function LaTeX LaTeX. Hypertext Help with LaTeX by the late Dr Sheldon Green of Goddard Institute for Space Studies, NY provides reference information for those with some familiarity with Failed to parse unknown function LaTeX LaTeX. LaTeX Packages. These are some of my favourite Failed to parse unknown function LaTeX LaTeX. listings The listings package is a source code printer for Failed to parse unknown function LaTeX LaTeX. You can typeset standalone files as well as listings with an environment similar to verbatim as well as you can print code snippets using a command similar to verb Many parameters control the output and if your preferred programming language isn t already supported, you can make your own definition. The listings Package Documentation PDF. PSTricks a collection of PostScript based Failed to parse unknown function TeX TeXplete PSTri cks user guide PDF. nomencl the nomenclature package can be used to generate and format nomenclature using MakeIndexplete nomencl user guide PDF. This page was last modified on 7 February 2010, at 23 22.This page has been accessed 274,905 times.
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